In 2024, HERA proudly marks its tenth anniversary. Founded under the auspices of the prestigious Research Institute for Higher Education at Hiroshima University, HERA’s journey began with an inaugural conference in January 2014.
Over the past decade, HERA has grown into an active community of over 300 members from around the world, with a primary focus on fostering academic exchange and innovation within the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Our commitment to advancing higher education research and supporting the professional growth of our members remains ongoing. As we celebrate a decade of achievements, we introduce you to strategic proposals for the coming year.
In March 2024, we upgraded the HERA website to enhance user experience and accessibility.
Users can now easily browse through past and future HERA Conferences and Events. We have modified the Publications and Research section to promote our members’ accomplishments.
We have three new sections to the website: Membership, Our Partners, and Job Board.
- Membership: Members can now apply, update, and unsubscribe their membership easily online.
- Our Partners: HERA is an international community associated with many organizations around the region. Our partnered universities and organizations are now posted on our new section.
- Job Board: HERA is now official ready to promote job positions. Members can easily explore a variety of roles, from academic and research positions to administrative opportunities around the world.
Members can now contact the coordinator to publish their publication or book accomplishments, announcements, and job position opportunities to be posted on the HERA website.
To further enhance our communication and engagement with members, we propose the introduction of regular monthly newsletters.
Newsletters will serve as a tool for keeping our members informed about the latest accomplishments of our members, HERA and partner organizations’ events, and opportunities within the HERA community and the broader field of higher education research.
Newsletter Content Categories
- Research & Publication Updates
- Event Announcements
- Job Opportunities
- Student Achievements
- Faculty Spotlights
- Calls for Papers/Proposals
- News and Announcements
For detailed submission guidelines, click here
To further enhance our communication and engagement with members, we are looking forward to start a LinkedIn page for our members to join and follow.
Stay connected and up-to-date with the latest news and opportunities by following HERA on LinkedIn. Our LinkedIn page will feature regular updates, event announcements, member achievements, and industry news. It will be a great platform to network with fellow members, share accomplishments, and engage in discussions about higher education research.
To welcome and integrate new members into the HERA community, we will provide a virtual orientation for new members quarterly. This will provide new members essential information about the HERA organization, its activities, and opportunities for involvement.
- Introduction to HERA and overview of HERA’s programs, events, and resources.
Guidance on how to get involved in HERA activities and networking opportunities with current members.
Conference Proposal Preparation Workshops
Before the conference call for proposals ends each year, we will be holding an interactive virtual workshop to help graduate student members develop strong conference proposals, increasing their chances of acceptance at major academic conferences.:
- Guidance on selecting conference topics and aligning proposals with conference themes.
- Tips on writing effective abstracts and crafting compelling proposals.
- Best practices for presenting and networking at academic conferences.
Graduate Student Leadership Group
We are looking for graduate student members wishing to join the leadership group.
A group led by three elected graduate student representatives who wish to contribute to the HERA community will be structured to empower graduate students by providing leadership opportunities, support HERA’s peer-to-peer communication, and representing the interests of graduate students within HERA.
- Opportunities to plan and support HERA communications and initiatives.
- Networking events to connect with peers and established researchers.