HERA’s decision-making body is the HERA Steering Committee which consists of key members in the Asia-Pacific region. Members of the Steering Committee serve a five-year term. The term for Steering Committee members who join in the middle will be five years from the year the new member joins the committee.
The Steering Committee is responsible for making major decisions such as organizing conferences, managing membership, coordinating sub-committees, and addressing other critical issues. Steering Committee meetings convene regularly during HERA’s annual conference. The meetings are not open to all members, but the major decisions reached during these sessions will be announced to all members by the end of the annual conference.
The leadership of the HERA Steering Committee operates under a collective leadership model, with Prof. Akira Arimoto representing HERA (‘Interim President’) and Prof. JC Shin working for the committee to support HERA (‘Interim Secretary General’).

Prof. Akira Arimoto
(Hyogo University, Japan)

Prof. Dian-Fu Chang
(Tamkang University, Taiwan)

Prof. Jung-Chen Robin Chen
(National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Dr. Hugo Horta
(The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, SAR)

Prof. Futao Huang
(Hiroshima University, Japan)

Prof. Wanhua Ma
(Peking University, China)

Prof. Simon Marginson
(Oxford University, United Kingdom)

Prof. Muhammad Muftahu
(IPPN, Malaysia)

Prof. Gerard A. Postiglione
(The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, SAR)

Dr. Wenqin Shen
(Peking University, China)

Prof. Jung Cheol Shin
(Seoul National University, Korea)