Conference Report

National Chengchi University Host the 10th HERA Conference
From Competition to  Collaboration

Prof. Jung-Cheng Robin Chen
(National Chengchi University, Taiwan)

National Chengchi University (NCCU), located in Taipei, has been authorized by the Higher Education Research Association (HERA) to host the 10th HERA Conference on June 5-6, 2024. The conference was held at the Center for Public and Business Administration Education, NCCU. With the support of worldwide academics, this conference has become a significant global gathering for higher education research this year. The conference’s official website has more than 10,500 views, and the conference has received over 230 submissions from scholars in 25 countries across Europe, America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, with more than 200 scholars participating. Among them, nearly 150 overseas academics, administrators, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows, have traveled to Taiwan to attend, representing prestigious institutions such as the University of Oxford, University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Hiroshima University, Osaka University, Seoul National University, University of Hong Kong, University of British Columbia, University of Sydney, and so on, with the forms of oral presentations, poster presentations, and special talk and panels. Additionally, several editors from different journals attended the conference to discuss the possibility of compiling a special issue based on the papers presented at the conference.

When setting the theme for this year’s HERA Conference, the focus was on the shift from competition to cooperation in the future of global higher education. The utilization of educational resources can only be expanded through cross-border, cross-disciplinary, and cross-sector collaborations, promoting innovative consciousness and facilitating the unlimited further development of teaching and research capabilities. This year’s HERA academic conference in Taiwan serves as a platform for academic sharing and dialogue across borders, sectors, and disciplines. It brings together experts and scholars from home and abroad to share and discuss how to address issues, challenges, research findings, and suggestions in contemporary higher education and vocational education. Additionally, the conference also examines global trends in higher education, comparison of higher education policies across countries, and exploration, response, and transformation of topics such as higher education and vocational education research outcomes, talent cultivation, quality assurance, and industry-academia collaboration.

On the first day, the conference commenced with opening remarks delivered by the organizer of this event, Professor Robin Chen; Associate Dean of the College of Education and Chair of the Department of Education. This was followed by speeches from the Vice President of our university, Chan Chin-Yu, and Professor Gerard Postiglione from the University of Hong Kong; a senior steering committee member of HERA. The keynote speeches featured distinguished speakers Prof. Simon Marginson from the University of Oxford and Fellow of the British Academy of Social Sciences, who compared Eastern and Western perspectives on student self-formation and public good, Prof. Hugo Horta from the University of Hong Kong and President of the Consortium of Higher Education Research (CHER), who used the metaphor of a tortoise storybook to illustrate the competitive dilemmas faced by today’s doctoral students in career planning and pursuit, Prof. Ana M. Martínez-Alemán from Boston College and Former President of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), who discussed the balance between competition and teaching that research universities must navigate in the global ranking environment, and Professor Dianfu Chang from Tamkang University, who examined the transformation of public goods in higher education aimed at promoting social, economic, and environmental sustainability. He emphasized that higher education can serve the public interest and social welfare more effectively when government policies and national strategies are in place to support it. Vice President Ka Ho Mok from Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, contributed a special talk by discussing the impact of geopolitics on higher education management. They shared their expertise and recent research findings on global education trends.

Another highlight of this conference was the inclusion of vocational education topics. Presidents, vice presidents, and representatives from institutions such as Taiwan Tech, Taipei Tech, YunTech, Kaohsiung Tech, Chaoyang Tech, Ming Chi Tech, Kun Shan Tech, Cheng Shiu Tech, along with Commissioner Leehter Yao from the Examination Yuan, conducted in-depth discussions on industry-academia collaboration, university social responsibility, and vocational talent cultivation. The session provided international participants with an overview of Taiwan’s efforts in vocational education, leaving a lasting impression.

International conferences carry significant implications for national diplomacy and cultural exchange. Therefore, this conference specially invited the Qiao Wan Jan Puppet Troupe from Ping Deng Elementary School, located on Yangmingshan in Taipei, to perform at the evening banquet. The troupe, which has been established for over 37 years, received enthusiastic acclaim from both domestic and international guests through introductions and splendid performances by the elementary school students. Additionally, a puppet-manipulating experience was arranged, adding more excitement to the performance.

This conference was organized through the joint efforts of Professor Robin Chen and graduate students from the Department of Education, NCCU, and Professor Sophia Shi-Huei Ho, Director of the Institute of Educational Administration and Evaluation at the University of Taipei. This event was highly praised by international participants. As higher education faces many challenges, this conference not only provides international perspectives for Taiwan, but also strengthens the network of academic interaction with the international community. Moreover, it provided an opportunity to highlight the achievements and strengths of Taiwan’s higher education system.

For more information, please visit the following website:

The 10th Hera Conference Official Website:

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HERA invited Prof. Hugo Horta, University of Hong Kong (center in the front row) and Prof. Ana M. Martínez-Alemán, Boston College (first on the right in the front row) to deliver keynote speeches
HERA invited presidents and vice presidents from eight universities of technology across Taiwan to share insights on industry-academia collaboration and university social responsibility. The session was chaired by Commissioner Leehter Yao from the Examination Yuan (first on the right)
Keynote speaker Prof. Hugo Horta used a storybook as a metaphor to illustrate the competitive dilemmas faced by today’s doctoral students in higher education regarding career planning and pursuit
Considering the large number of international participants, many of whom are visiting Taiwan for the first time, we arranged a performance by the Ping Deng Elementary School Puppet Troupe, allowing participants from abroad to experience traditional Taiwanese culture. Prof. Ana M. Martínez-Alemán enthusiastically participated in the puppet-manipulating activity, interacting joyfully with the elementary school students.

Prof. Jung-Cheng Robin Chen
(National Chengchi University, Taiwan)